Friday, September 6, 2013

The Possible Mystery of the "Reverse" Guardian Action Figure

There have been a few quiet additions to the Collectibles page over the past few days.  None is particularly newsworthy on its own, since most items date back more than a decade, but a couple of them reminded me of a small mystery from a number of years ago.

The two items in question are a Toy Biz mail-in exclusive action figure and a card from the Overpower game.  Both were issued in the mid to late 90's.

The "negative" version of Guardian displayed on the card (at right) isn't in use for merchandise a great deal since it lasted only about a year within comics.  It was the results of Guardian's first of several returns from the dead and was the result of the Building Block storyline that ran from issues 87 to 90 of the first volume.  So the combination of that uniform and a rare action figure reminded me that I once saw an action figure of "negative Guardian" years ago yet have heard or seen nothing of it since.

If I recall correctly, I was at a comics store on the upper floor of the West Edmonton Mall.  I don't believe that the action figure was a custom piece because it seemed to be expertly packaged.  This would have been in the summer of 1998.  It was fairly pricey, which is why I chose against buying it at the time (now regretfully).

Does any of this ring a bell with anyone?  Is anyone aware of some such "exclusive" or rare piece?  If so, feel free to drop be a line at and tell me what you know.  I'm not necessarily interested in buying it now (but not uninterested either ;-) ).  Either way, I'm certainly curious.

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