Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Of Clothes Not Making The Man

I really don't like Wolverine.  This is why I had no idea that Mac (and Heather) are both quite prominent in the recently released "Wolverine: Season One" book until it was reviewed on alphaflight.net.  I sought out the book at Chapters and gave it a quick flip which, combined with the above review, convinced me that it was a worthwhile purchase.  I saved a few bucks by purchasing it online instead of in the store, so it's in the mail and I should have it by Monday.

The part of the review which was particularly attention-grabbing was the mention of a Guardian suit prototype being tested (click on the link above to see a small scan of one panel on which the suit is displayed).  I suppose it makes sense that the path from the original clunky mining suit to the micro-circuitry uniform that we've come to know would be achieved gradually, but it seems like this one came out of nowhere.  We'll see.

In the meantime, seeing another version of the Guardian armour triggered an idea.  Much like the "About Guardian" page was expanded to include information about the character's creation (and not just his fictional history), details about other armours worn by James MacDonald Hudson will be added to the "The Suit" page above.

Most of the alternative suits are completely brutal, true, but they are part of Guardian's muddled history so they should be acknowledged.  I guess.