Friday, November 23, 2012

The Alpha Flight Collector (Guardian tag)

Just a brief update today to draw attention to a link that has been added on the right side of the page.

I tend to keep my blog posts and Appearances page entries (see above) specific to what I consider to be significant involvements in books.  For example, I did not include Mac's attendance at Northstar's wedding among the appearances because he's really just crowd shot filler.

The Alpha Flight Collector blog, for those who may have not come across it, is pretty much the exact opposite.  It records cameos and rarities involving the various Alpha Flight cast members.  I have added it as part of the blog roll, but using the Guardian tag specifically (and therefore directing folks only to posts involving our man of the hour).

Credit where it's due, the panel scan of a devastated Alpha Flight in the previous post was actually from the Collector blog (though located through Google search and not lifted directly).


  1. Hey thanks for the mention! And if you need any more images of Guardian, drop me a note!


    1. Aw, man!

      My most recent post, about Alpha Flight appearing in a few Hulk issues in the early 80's, was actually one I was going to recommend to you! I did a quick search and couldn't tell whether you'd actually ever covered those cameos.

      I had tried to reach you through Twitter. I should have just e-mailed you instead. Ah well.
