Monday, July 7, 2014

Guardian Propaganda Poster

While we wait to see how Guardian made out against the Wendigo in Amazing X-Men #8, let's take a look at a little piece of art I acquired recently.

I was drawn to this print right away, if only for its war poster style.

I only know the artist as "Jason T" on Twitter (I've been on his Facebook page as well, but for the life of me I can't remember his full name).  He has several other prints of Guardian, at least one of which involves Heather as well.  Get a hold of him if you're interested in getting a little decoration for your comics area. The man is quite accommodating.

And speaking of guest-appearances earlier, it doesn't seem as though Guardian will appear in a coming issue of Deadpool after all.  The Alpha Flight team that will be featured will be the early 90's one from prior to one of Mac's many resurrections, so no go.

Hopefully he plays a significant part in the X-Men books then, but I could see it being similar to "Mayan Prophecy" Hulk story from a couple of years ago.  Guardian was most prominent in the first part, but far less so in later issues.  We'll have to see.

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